
North Fremantle Football Club


President Report Round 11: 23 June 2018

Published Sun 24 Jun 2018

The great weather on Saturday also saw some great football form North teams.  Of the six games, North won five, some were huge!  Great to have so many supporters and family members at the Gil for our home games and to join us in the celebrations and awards afterwards!  A great night!

The home teams enjoyed significant percentage boosters against Hammersley - Carine.  The League burst out of the blocks with a dazzling display of skills, speed and teamwork, which continued throughout the day.  It was terrific to watch and appreciate the energy and onfield leadership across the ground! The lads are a very closely knit unit, ultimately running out easy winners:  North 21-20  (146) to Hammersley - Carine 2-1  (13).  The B Reserves game followed a similar tale as the lads continued their unbeaten run.  North was just too good in every facet of the game and the further the game went, the gap between the two sides grew and grew.  The team's organisation, skills, ball use and superior teamwork could not be matched by Hammersley - Carine, with North running away to a massive victory and percentag booster:  North 24-19  (163) to Hammersley - Carine 0-1  (1).  The Drew Banfield Colts did not have to run onto the field for their win, created by a forfeit form Hammersley - Carine, who no longer have a Colts side.  While percentage boost will help it is not an ideal situation where the team loses match play time!

Away games were at Mt Lawley for the D1 League and Reserves teams, while the Brett Jones Colts traveled to Scarborough for their game.  Numbers were hard to find on a day where numerous D1 grade players were unavailable due to conflicting events.  This meant several colts player inclusion in both sides and the lads played well.  The D1 League had a big day out with an impressive display of quaiity football in a well rounded team performance.  North was in control throughout the day!  The lads are now playing very good football and the percentage boost will help, after running out clear victore:  23-7  (145) to Mt Lawley 4-4  (28).  The D1 reserves however, cam up against a pretty good Mt Lawley rival who proved too good on the day.  The team never gave up but fought on, with limited numbers, throughout the game, but just could not close the gap:  North 7-5  (47) to Mt Lawley 13 -6  (84).  The shuffling of colts also had some impact on the BJC, who came up against a determined Scarborough oponent, whi seemed more in control as the game wore on.  However the nOrth lads never gave up and their collective team spirit and desire to win enabled them to snatch victory out of the jaws of defeat and go on to win on the day:  8-7  (55) to Scarborough 7-8  (50).  Great win lads!

Next Saturday 30 June, sees North playing Whitfords at home; League; Reserves; and Colts. Would love to have a huge crowd there to cheer the teams on and enjoy 'good football!'  It is also a special day where the Club celebrates and acknowledges the 40th anniversary of the inaugural 1978 Colts premiership team.  Hope we see the 'Maggie Army' out on force...urging our teams on the field and joining them and others in the Hall after the game to celebrate and for the Awards!



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